
6th Business Systems Laboratory
International Symposium


Systemic frameworks and their applications for sustainable well-being in the global era


January 21-23, 2019

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali

Via San Felice, 5

27100 Pavia

registration and membership fees

Note: BSLab is a non profit learned society and the participation to the event is reserved to members. Therefore the registration to this or any other BSLab event implies membership to the BSLab for the solar year of the event . 


To Register please check the table of fees below to find you appropriate category (New member - BSLab member 2018 - Young new member - Young BSLab member 2018) and download the Registration form at the link below the fees table. 

Once you found the fee (decide if including or not the optional social dinner) you can pay by Bank Transfer (at the Bank coordinates you can find in the registration form) or by PayPal using the PayPal buttons at the end of this page (this is the advised method for participants coming from outside the EU). Transaction costs are at your charge and included in the PayPal buttons.

After you have made the payment, please send the receipt together with the filled registration form to our Secretariat at: symposia-secretariat@bslab-symposium.net 

If you need help please contact our Secretariat at: symposia-secretariat@bslab-symposium.net     

Please note (FAQ): 
- Transaction costs are not included and must be at the charge of the registrant in the transfer (are already included in the PayPal buttons at the link below);
- Authors of Poster presentations pay the same registration fee of speech presentation; 
- For each "Poster presentation" at least one author must register for presentation also if not attending; - Coauthors who will not participate to the speech, but will come to attend the Symposium, can register as attendees; 
- An author that is already speaker for a work and has another work eligible for presentation  has to pay the "additional presentation fee" for each additional work he will present; 
- Fees are intended as B.S.Lab membership for 2019.

- The Membership fee is not refundable.




To Register:
1. Pay the Registration fee by Bank Transfer (at the Bank coordinates indicated in the form)
or Credit Card by Paypal (using the buttoms below - transfer costs are included in the prices);
2. Send the filled form together with the receipt of the payment to:


Letters of Invitation for visa application

Individuals requiring an official Letter of Invitation can request one by e-mail, only if they are already BSLab members.

This implies that new members must register and pay the membership fee before asking the letter of invitation.   

It is the sole responsibility of the attendee to take care of his/her visa requirements. 

Attendees who require an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the application procedure. Attendees should contact the nearest embassy or consulate to determine the appropriate timing of their visa applications. 

It is recommended to apply for a visa at least 2 months in advance of the Symposium. 

The Letter of Invitation does not financially obligate the Symposium's organizers in any way.  All expenses incurred in relation to the Symposium are the sole responsibility of the attendee.