8th Business Systems Laboratory
International Symposium






Maurice Yolles
Professor Emeritus of Management Systems 
Liverpool John Moores University, UK 


The Great Reset may be explored from a complexity perspective by applying some of the concepts and methods of complex systems science to analyse the dynamics and interactions of the various actors and factors involved in the initiative and its opposition. For example, one could use complexity profiles to compare the levels of complexity of different aspects of the Great Reset, examine the efficiency-adaptability trade-off of the Great Reset and its alternatives, explore the complexity matching between the Great Reset and its stakeholders, conduct a multiscale analysis of the Great Reset and its impacts, and study the evolutionary processes of the Great Reset and its alternatives. Another way to investigate the Great Reset from a complexity perspective is to consider the different positions as expressions of different perspectives or narratives that coexist in a complex social system. For example, one could identify the main perspectives or narratives that support or oppose the Great Reset, analyse their sources, motivations, assumptions, evidence, arguments, and implications, compare and contrast their similarities and differences, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and explore their possibilities for dialogue, collaboration, or conflict. By investigating the Great Reset from a complexity perspective, one can gain a deeper understanding of the initiative and its challenges, as well as its potential opportunities and risks.


To apply some general principles of complex systems inquiry the Great Reset, one might wish to consider the following perspectives:

Systemic thinking: consider the whole system of the Great Reset and its opposition, and how they interact with each other and with their environment; identify the patterns, structures, and feedback loops that shape their behaviour and outcomes. For example, one can look at how the COVID-19 pandemic triggered the Great Reset initiative, and how the initiative in turn influenced the pandemic response and recovery. We also look at how the Great Reset initiative provoked various reactions and counter-movements from different groups of people, and how these reactions in turn affected the initiative and its implementation.


Multiple perspectives: to acknowledge and appreciate the diversity and plurality of views and values that exist in the system of the Great Reset and its opposition. One can understand the different assumptions, motivations, interests, and goals of different stakeholders and actors in the system. For example, one can look at how the authors of the Great Reset have a perspective that is based on sustainability, humanism, and stakeholder capitalism, while some of their opponents have perspectives that are based on nationalism, populism, or conspiracism. One can also look at how these perspectives coexist or conflict in a complex social system.


Critical reflection: to question and challenge the validity, reliability, and relevance of the information and knowledge that are used to understand and intervene in the system of the Great Reset and its opposition. One can evaluate the sources, methods, evidence, arguments, and implications of different perspectives or narratives in the system. For example, one can look at how the authors of the Great Reset use data and research from various sources to support their proposals, while some of their opponents use misinformation or disinformation to undermine them. One can also look at how these perspectives or narratives construct their own version of reality and truth. • Adaptive learning: One can learn from the experience and feedback of the system of the Great Reset and its opposition and their environment. One can improve the performance and resilience of the system by adjusting its behavior and strategies according to the changes and uncertainties that occur. For example, by looking at how the authors of the Great Reset adapt their initiative to address new challenges or opportunities that arise from the pandemic or other factors, while some of their opponents adapt their resistance to exploit new vulnerabilities or weaknesses that emerge.