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Business Systems Laboratory
International WORKSHOP

Marketing and Innovation Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) 


September 11-12, 2017
universitas mercatorum

Salvatore Tomaselli
Professor of Family Business
University of Palermo - Italy
Speech Title:
Conflict and Trust in Family Business

Michael Fass
Dean of Faculty Circle Virtual College
Speech title:
The Captive Entrepreneur - Why SMEs succeed and fail

Piero Mella
Full Professor of Business Administration
University of  Pavia, Italy
Speech title:
The ghost in the Production machine.  The laws of Production Networks

Gianpaolo Basile
Adjunct professor of Place Management
Universitas Mercatorum
President Business Systems Laboratory
Speech title:
The relevance of Place Marketing  for SMEs in the European context

Gandolfo Dominici
Professor of Marketing
University of Palermo, Italy
Scientific Director Business Systems Laboratory
Speech title:
The state of the art of Systemic Business Research, opportunities and threats .